• "Kabr"

  • Kabr
  • PlinyTheElder
  • "Kabr"
  • Kobot Arctic (07A)
  • KOR-07A-01-0004
  • Kocore Industrial Sentient Systems
  • About Yourself

  • After exploring the wastes of Keriav-V for several months as one of the first civilian Kobots pushed into commercial use in exploration, Kabr was damaged in an ice cave and subsequently retired from exploration. He was let go and given the option to integrate into society, which he graciously took.

    Nearly identical to the first model of Kobot, the Arctic variation from the Hostile Environments 1 run had a few key improvements and features. Instead of draconic feet, the Arctics were given titanium-carbide hooves to better grip the snow and ice. This significantly slimmed down their profile, making it much harder for them to balance while not on their preferred terrain, necessitating a slightly larger tail to keep balance. Their coloration was extremely pale to blend into the snow, with all plating being a perfect white. Midshell is extremely soft, to the point of feeling like biological skin.

    Kabr's unique features include lavender eyes, an extremely polite personality, and built-in training to control almost any vehicle with a medium amount of skill.