• LE-3

  • BurntNickle
  • Burnt
  • LE-3
  • Civilian/Industrial (Underwater specialized)
  • KOR-803-12-3068
  • K.I.S.S.
  • About Yourself

  • Le3 (or more officially “LE-3”) is a prototype kobot designed for underwater mining, repair, maintenance, and other, more hazardous aquatic jobs. As such, he has been designed with deep sea pressure and potential encounters with dangerous wildlife in mind.
    Le3 stands taller than some other civilian models of kobold, but is still generally considered short among the researchers. With a rubberized plasteel coating on the inside of his middle shell, Le3 is completely insulated from most forms of electrocution and water damages. Him order to deal with the crushing depths of the deep sea, his body is reinforced with an exoskeleton in between his middle and outer shells. This exoskeleton is made of a rust resistant alloy rated for high levels of pressure (Up to 7500 lbs per square inch). In addition, multiple layers of this alloy make up the outer shell of unit LE-3, with a slightly higher pressure tolerance (7750 psi.)
    The only major cosmetic difference between Le3 and any other kobot is that his tail has been modified with both a fin, to act as a rudder during swimming, and several hydrojets designed to propel him in water to aid in aquatic mobility. These hydrojets operate by pumping water through several intake vents, pressurizing them inside the body, and then releasing the pressurized water through several ‘jets’ along the tail of the unit. This functionality doesn’t work in high-pressure deep-sea environments, as the strain has been shown to rupture the pumping system, leading to extensive internal damages.
    In addition, an advanced sonar system has been implemented for better navigation and threat detection near the unit. Multiple other detection systems and sensor arrays are being tested, due to occasional visual sensor damage accrued in notably deep sea tests.
    In terms of personality, Le3 is very introverted, having barely any experience talking to people beyond engineers, his maintenance person, and the occasional other model of his type assigned to the same task. This is owed, in part, to his assignments. Deep sea mining, exploration drone repair, and fending off some of the less nasty sea creatures that roam around the facility he is stationed at. His programming, in part to cope with his job, has adapted to do well in long periods of isolation. Due to this, his social skills have diminished. It should be noted, however, that certain individuals have been shown to form personal bonds with the unit, most notably maintenance personal assigned to unit LE-3.
    On the side, in what little free time he has, he tinkers and works with various mechanical items in order to learn their functionality and purpose. He did almost blow up the last oxygen tank he got his hands on, but so far that was the worst incident that has occurred.