Information is Subject to change; everything is currently a Work in Progress.

Standard issue Kobot, showing nanocarbon plating, and netronium outer plates.

Character © Flosk | Art © NSFWaga

Construction basics of the K.I.S.S Kobot Synthetics

Nanocarbon Midshell: Constructed out of a series of tightly woven but incredibly flexible materials. This layer can be hard as diamond or soft as silk depending on needs.

Outer plates: Highly customizable outer plates can be made with many materials, depending on the needs of the commissioner.

From simple steel, dense neutronium plate, to an additional layer soft flexible nanocarbon. Our outer frame can support numerous exo-harnesses to add mining and zero g flight to our new high pressure protection system for deep sea expeditions.


Mimir Synthetic Muscle: The synthetic muscles, kilo to kilo, has upwords of 5~10x the strength of most muscle matter. Made from or legendary carbon fiber recipe, combined with out latest gen control servos and limiters can make our synths carry heavy loads and crush rock, all the way down to doing delicate botanical work.

eARS: Horns you say? Using some of our own signature audio technology that’s used in specialized communication systems of starships and local transit hubs to provide clear, crisp communications is used in our Synths. Providing them the ability to self tune their hearing to hear clearly no matter the environment.

EYES: While other synths see using little more than an advanced camera system, our synths have a more organic way of seeing the universe. Mimicking the eyes of biological creatures, our synths eyes use the same process most species eyes have evolved to. Retinas, irises, pupils, they’re all there, and they all work as close to ours as technology allows. Of course for specialized units, to switch a more specialized vision is just a component swap or addition.

Upclose chassis shot of Kobot Flosk; one of K.I.S.S's sentient breakthroughs. This is a civilian class chassis.

Character © Flosk | Art © NSFWaga


Brain: REDACTED, we can’t give you all our secrets yet can we?

Cooling systems: In the past we’ve run into issues with supplies of coolant being unavailable. We decided an adaptable universal system that can take a wide range of coolants was best for our synths. Simple in this case was best, a simple pump and tube system moves hot coolant to cooler extremities. This will allow for a wide range of coolants to be used, please for the safety of the Synth use the recommended coolants for your work environments.

K.I.S.S Military Chassis, using the experimental nanobot technology.

Character © ∆ | Art © Metalokura


LOG #0.1: This is our first log of a new experimental use of nanotechnology in the creation of new units, as initiative to produce highly advanced and adaptable units for military use. For the first experimental units, we are using on their default form, a slightly modified frame of a Kobot civilian chassis.

Our first prototypes are to use and maximize the use of the materials at the company’s disposal. Mainly, the use of nanocarbons, akin to those used within the KOBOT series units.

Nanocarbon-based Nanomachinery: By using nanocarbon materials previously used in other units, we have started manufacturing nanobots with physical capabilities similar to regular nanocarbon plating: flexibility and durability. On top of it, the nanobot’s [REDACTED] allows for further manipulation of it’s mass, size as well as self-replication.

Magnetic Field: In order to keep and program trillions of nanobots to hold and self-assemble an specific shape or default form. A self sustained magnetic field hold by [REDACTED] has been developed and linked onto the unit’s AI so it can be manipulate or shapeshift it’s physique at will.

Advance Mimetic Systems: Through [REDACTED], unit is able to analyze a material, either organic or inorganic, and be able to morph it’s nanobots’ to resemble said materials, superficially. Allowing for further uses onto the unit’s military capabilities and giving enhanced ways to mimic and shapeshift it’s and appearance.